burned fast

In March just as we went into lockdown I was recovering from a major mental health breakdown. The space and peace of lockdown allowed me to heal and by late June I felt ready to meet the one and begin my life again... I met him on an internet date in early July. We immediately fell for each other and spent the rest of summer in each other’s arms. The laughter, love, fun, sex, connection has been completely, blissfully, mind blowing. Now in deepest winter with more restrictions on our freedom, we’re running out of steam. Having only each other for company and nothing to do except walk and talk and cook and eat together, he seems to be losing interest. We make love less often, have less to say to each other and struggle to find anything to do. I can feel him backing off. My heart is breaking. If those who burn twice as bright burn half as long, then the pandemic has turned up the heat and burned us out long before we would have had it not been around. I wanted a life with this man. I’m going to be lucky to see out Xmas with him.


rock bottom


good vibes only