love hard, wash your hands

We were effectively quarantined for months before the CV19 craze hit American shores. We are in love with our new child and enjoying all the parental moments we are getting with her. More importantly, the hazy fog of new parenthood is being lifted since there is time to do real work on the relationship instead of our schedules turning us into passing ships in the night. Too tired to hang out has become what can we accomplish together next, and I'm loving it. All of these disasters we are enduring are also stripping away the fat of our society and reminding us of what is important, what truly endures. That's the kind of thinking that makes sure humanity survives. Love hard, wash your hands, and hold the incompetent responsible for this mess.


If you happened to be at a Best Buy in CA, I was the mother who had her daughter scream loudly “Fuck you mom! I hate you”


it’s me and the two cats